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Week 1 Level Design and whitebox

During Friday we did a little bit of level design just to get some ideas down and figure out what we should start focusing on.

We thought that having the whole level as a sidescroller would be a little bit limiting so we started thinking about having some aspects in first person or top down.

This is all experimental and we will discuss it during the group meeting to get a better idea of what the level could look like.

We thought about having the player walk around between different scenes while in first person mode and having the actual scenes/plays as a sidescroller which was also mentioned in the previous blog post.

The player would start from the bottom of the map and follow the pathway leading through all the acts and scenes within the boxes.

In order to make the scene more natural we thought about starting to create some basic props which are currently just the placeholders.

It would be a good idea having the props in small kits instead of placing them one by one in the level.

We need to consider how we are going to guide the player through the acts in the right order instead of them just walking to the last act but we will hopefully figure that out fairly soon.

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